
We are an inclusive community unified by the spirit of going above and beyond. We recognize that our best ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, at any time and help us provide the best solutions for our clients around the globe

About Us

FactSet creates data and software solutions for tens of thousands of investment professionals around the world, providing instant access to financial data and analytics that investors use to make crucial investment decisions. Our clients see us as part of their team and we celebrate our wins together.

Exceptional talent fuels every aspect of FactSet’s business. As we continue to grow, we rely on new ideas and creative thinking to maintain our position on the cutting-edge of financial services and software. FactSet is committed to each employee’s individual career growth and values internal advancement.

Our inclusive work environment maximizes our diversity values, engagement, productivity, and ultimately makes FactSet a fun place to work. We continually seek to expand our workforce with diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences while fostering a globally inclusive culture, enabling employees to be themselves at work and to join in, be heard, contribute, and grow.

We hope you would consider joining our team of FactSetters who are just as motivated and passionate as you are, in an environment that promotes team, personal, and professional growth.

DE&I Commitment

FactSet Pride seeks to create a workplace in which all employees are included and celebrated, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Through education and advocacy, we raise awareness of topics relevant to the community and are committed to advancing changes that allow all people to be respected and valued.

The Pride BRG hosted events in all regions aligned with the theme, Rising Together with Pride, in celebration of Pride Month, including virtual sessions, in-person social events and parade participation. The group also recognized many LGBTQ+ focused awareness days throughout the year, such as World AIDS Day, Transgender Day of Remembrance, National Coming Out Day, Bi-Visibility Day, and more. The group also helped support the development of our Gender Inclusivity Policy and resources. With global collaboration, the Pride BRG continues to help create a workplace where everyone is celebrated, respected, and valued.

Working at FactSet

Around the globe, FactSet fosters an inclusive workplace environment that is simultaneously hardworking, flexible, and fun. When you join our team, whether in the office or remotely, you’ll receive immediate responsibility and recognition for your work and will be valued personally and professionally. In an atmosphere radiating support and collaboration, you’ll also have the ability to demonstrate individual achievement and grow within the company.

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